
House Cleaning Queen Anne - How to Wash Bathroom Rugs


Bath mats or rugs are usually placed in our bathrooms to make it more comfortable to stand with your bare feet on the bathroom floor when you step out of your bathtub. During the house cleaning process, the bath mats get wet when you step out of the tub after taking the bath. This is a good thing as the water is absorbed, so, it doesn’t stand on your bath floor that is typically tiles. The mats keep you safe from and there are less chances to slip but it also means that your bath mats will get dirty when used.


Follow tips by house cleaning Queen Anne:


How often should you clean your rugs?

During the house cleaning, you should wash and clean your rugs at least after every 2 weeks. If you have a sturdy rugs. Also, when you are house cleaning try to replace your bath mats with the sturdier ones that can withstand heavy duty washing and drying. So, that you can wash it on regular basis.


Make sure that between each use you bath mat gets enough time to get dry so that there are

less chances for the growth of mildew or smell. If you notice any smell coming out of it then immediately wash it.


Furthermore, try to vacuum your rugs/mats at least once a week.  


How to wash Bath Mats and Rugs?

When house cleaning you can wash  your sturdy bath mats along with your towels or by themselves, using the warm water and adding regular detergent. As they are sturdy you can run the regular washing cycle to clean them properly.


When you wash your bath mats or rugs for the very first time try to wash them with only like colors as they might get covered with other colors or bleeding dye transfers.


If you have got some latex backed bath rugs then you should use the gentle methods to clean them properly to prolong their life. Although, no matter how careful you are while washing the latex backed rugs they eventually get to wear and falke off during the house cleaning.


You can wash these delicate rugs and mats by using the delicate washing cycle of your washing machine by adding cold water and small regular detergent.


How to dry your bathroom Rugs and Mats?

Once you are done washing your rugs and mats they need tp get dried now and just like washing there are several differences in how to do this depending on the type of bath mat which you have got.


During the house cleaning, if you have got sturdy mats you can place them in the dryer to dry and if you are worried about shrinkage then you can air dry.


For the delicate mats you need to air dry them because if they get heat from the air dryer it will destroy the flake off the backing of  mat.


If you are busy with your job and you don’t have time for house cleaning your bathroom contact your local house cleaning Queen Anne experts.