
How to clean your gym shoes?

To clean dirt, debris and smell from your gym shoes is an easy task as you just have to throw your shoes in the washing machine during the house cleaning process. Make sure that you follow all of the care instructions by the brand/company on the correct settings and allow some air to get them dry. 


Here are some steps by House Cleaning West Seattle which you should follow to clean your gym shoes. 


1.Take out the insoles the night before you decide to wash your shoes


During the house cleaning process you need to remove the insoles from your shoes and then place it inside the box that contains baking soda, because there are chances that your shoes don’t really smell great due to sweat, dirt and grime. So, its better that you let them sit for overnight. Remove the insoles one day before you decide to wash them.


2.Wipe off any excess dirt

During the house cleaning process if your shoes are really dirty then you should take an old rag or microfibre cloth and remove all of the dirt that has been stuck on your shoes before you decide to wash them. Like this you will prevent the gross dirt, grass and other dirt particles in your washer. 


-Also, if the dirt is really stuck on your shoes then you should bag both of your shoes together in order to remove the dirt off shoes during the house cleaning. 


3. Remove the shoelaces

During the house cleaning process as the dirt is often collected on the eyelets of your precious shoes it’s important to remove your shoelaces before you put your shoes in the washer. Like this they will get exposed and get extra cleaning during the wash cycle.


4. Put your shoes in a mesh bag

During the house cleaning process you should take a mesh bag and out your shoelaces in it so that you avoid tangling your shoelaces. After that you can throw the mesh bag directly in the washing machine.


-The mesh bags are often used to wash women’s undergarments and you can easily find it in your nearest aisle of home goods store. 


5. Pretreat bad stains with stain recovery

During the house cleaning if you observe that your shoes have heavy soiled areas then it’s obvious to pretreat them by using the laundry products. All you need to do is spray on stains and throw your shoes in the washer. 


6. Check if the shoes are machine washable

During the house cleaning process before you put your gym shoes in the washer just make sure that the material used to make the gym shoes is machine washable or not. If it’s not then it’s going to ruin your shoes if you add it in the water. 


- Leather shoes are a great example of the material that needs extra attention during the house cleaning process as it requires to be cleaned by hand. 


For more gym shoes cleaning call your local House Cleaning West Seattle experts. Call House Cleaning West Seattle now.